Thursday, February 22, 2007

Develop of a Job Control System to optimize web traffic

My First Research paper for The 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET2007), which will be held in KKR Hotel Kumamoto, Japan, in July 2007

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In Sri Lanka, limited bandwidth of Internet connection during day time gives slower performance for sound, video and intensive graphics, resulting in long waiting time for downloads that can adversely affect the efficiency of the teaching/learning process. It is therefore extremely useful optimizing the Web traffics in order to have better response during daytimes.

We have frequently experienced in Sri Lanka when downloading a large file, or running a peer-to-peer file sharing program, Web pages start to load very slowly, or fail to load due to the problem of limited bandwidth resulting in virtual traffic jams. Controlling or managing traffic reduces bandwidth use, and is often described as bandwidth management, traffic control, congestion control, traffic shaping or traffic management. The challenge before us now is to implement the proposed e-learning activities with limited bandwidth under the current circumstances.

As mentioned earlier, downloading the learning resources available on the Web takes a longer period of time under the present circumstances. The speed depends on the transmission method and bandwidth which is a common problem in most of the developing countries. According to a recent survey conducted in Sri Lanka, it has been found that most of the people access the Internet during day time resulting in a very slow speed. However, during after office hours, mid night and on public holidays, it is very fast. To overcome this problem, we propose a solution to develop a job control system to minimize this factor.
Using the above job control system, both teachers and students should be able to save their time and will get the maximum benefit from their limited bandwidth. We must also control Web site blocking, restrict music and video downloading, content caching and filtering for students. It would also be an encouraging solution for the reluctance and hesitation of some sections of students and teachers in many South Asian countries to the introduction of e-learning.